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Why Will New Materials Become The Future Trend?

The new materials industry covers a wide range, including rare earth, magnetic materials, diamond materials, new energy …

21 2020-08

How does the Porous Ceramic Vacuum Work?

Ceramic Vacuum Chuck is a kind of uniform solid or vacuum body produced by using nano-powder. A large number of connecte…

12 2020-06

Where are infrared radiation ceramics-low-carbon energy-saving materials used?

01什么是红外辐射陶瓷 红外辐射陶瓷是红外技术的发展和传统陶瓷业相结合而产生的应用型功能材料。它主要运用无机化合物及微量金属或特定的天然矿石分别以不同的比例混合,经过高温烧结使其在一定的红外波段范围内具有较高的辐射…

05 2020-06


1.发光陶瓷 发光陶瓷是一种将高科技的发光色料融进传统陶瓷釉料中,进行高温烧制获得的产物,它可以吸收多种自然光线(阳光/其他散射光),并把吸收存续的光能总得来说,发光陶瓷是在普通陶瓷生产过程中加入长余辉光致蓄光材料,从…