Microwave Ceramics

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Production Process

Raw Materials -
Powder Preparation -
Molding -
Sintering Process -
Processing Technology -

Product Description


No. 8, Lane 575 Jujiaqiao Road,Pudong,Shanghai China
Business mode production
Production Process

Product Details

Microwave dielectric ceramics is mainly used as such microwave components as resonators, filters, dielectric antennas, dielectric guided-wave circuits and so on. It can be used for mobile communication, satellite communication and military radar and other aspects. With the rapid development of science and technology, the rapid increase in the amount of communication information, as well as people's demand for wireless communication, the use of such microwave communication systems as satellite communication and direct broadcast satellite television has become an inevitable trend of the development of communication technologies. This makes the demand for microwave materials in the civilian sides gradually increase, such as mobile phones, car phones, cordless cellular phones and other new appliances like mobile communication and direct broadcast satellite television. Take mobile phones for example, annual sales of mobile phones in China in 2004 are 64 million, and the Chinese mobile phone market will grow at an annual rate of 20%. Thus the sales will reach 100 million in two to three years. This shows that the microwave dielectric ceramics has great room for development and huge market in commercial applications.