High Insulation Refractory Steatite Ceramic Fused Body Tube for Transformer

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Materials and content

Production Process

Raw Materials Talcum (3MgO·4SiO2·H2O)
Powder Preparation Roller Ball Milling
Molding Dry Press Molding, Hot Die Casting
Sintering Process Atmospheric Pressure Sintering
Processing Technology -

Product Description

China • Offer certificat of origin

No. 20 Pengxin Road, Fengfeng Mining Area, Handan City, Hebei
Business mode production
Production Process


1) Good insulation performance and high temperature resistance

2) Low dielectric constant and Great mechanical strength

3) High strength

4) High air tightness

5) High chemical stability

6) High corrosion resistance

7) High heat resistance

8) Low thermal conductivity and thermal expansion

9) Light weight, Long performance life, etc.

Product Details

1. Advantages :
1) Good insulation performance and high temperature resistance

2) Low dielectric constant and Great mechanical strength

3) High strength

4) High air tightness

5) High chemical stability

6) High corrosion resistance

7) High heat resistance

8) Low thermal conductivity and thermal expansion 

9) Light weight, Long performance life, etc.
2. Application :
1). Gas cooker,Water heater,Gas oven, Gas boiler,Air-conditioning and so on.
2). As ceramic parts of flexible pad and channel heaters at operations of pre and postweld heat treatment; Welding process, stress-relieving, pre-heating & post heating, other resistance-heating environment

3). halogen lamps, high and low pressure uv lamps, mercury lamps, uv lamp holders and heating tubes.  
4). high-power electrical applicance and all kinds of insulation device.


1). Gas cooker,Water heater,Gas oven, Gas boiler,Air-conditioning and so on.
2). As ceramic parts of flexible pad and channel heaters at operations of pre and postweld heat treatment; Welding process, stress-relieving, pre-heating & post heating, other resistance-heating environment

3). halogen lamps, high and low pressure uv lamps, mercury lamps, uv lamp holders and heating tubes.  
4). high-power electrical applicance and all kinds of insulation device.


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