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Both awards were made at the end of last year

Congratulations to the winners from Ruabon (left) & Suzhou (pictures on the right)

With great pleasure and pride we can announce that at the end of last year we were awarded twice as an excellent supplier.

First of all, the CeramTec team at the Ruabon site was rewarded for its efforts over the past months and received the "Weber Ultrasonics Supplier Excellence Award" in the category "Best Improving supplier" from our customer Weber Ultrasonics - i.e. the supplier whose performance has improved the most this year. Special mention was made of the exceptional performance in the area of delivery performance, which, according to the responsible Vice President Operations & Supply Chain, has "improved dramatically" on the customer side.

A few days later, FerroTec Corporation in China announced that CeramTec Suzhou is among the top six of around 1,000 suppliers. Jean Huang made a speech as the representative of the best supplier: Through 12 years of continuous improvement in quality, delivery, customer-oriented services, etc, Ceramtec showed its strength in customer and market-oriented approach and became Ferrotec's strategic partner for long-term business relationship.

